Why You Should Choose Clear Aligners Over Metal Braces for Teeth Straightening
Improperly aligned teeth can distort the entire appearance of the face and ruin one's smile. Over the years, metal braces have been used to straighten teeth and guide them into their proper position. However, the introduction of aligners has brought a better alternative to the traditional metal braces for teeth straightening. Aligners use a gradual force to control the movement of the teeth to their correct positioning. You may be wondering why you should choose clear aligners over traditional braces which have been around for decades.
Are Porcelain Veneers a Good Choice for Improving Your Smile?
Straightening your teeth doesn't necessarily mean wearing uncomfortable braces for several years—other options may be faster and more affordable and involve less pain and discomfort, if any. Porcelain veneers are one such option. These veneers involve a type of putty or similar substance that is shaped, formed and then hardened over your own natural teeth. Your teeth can look straighter and more aligned without actually being straightened by braces. If you're thinking of veneers, note a few factors to consider so you know if it's the best choice for you.
Personal Hygiene For Smokers: Hydrogen Peroxide
As a cigarette smoker, personal hygiene should be more of a concern for you than it is for the average non-smoker. The smoking habit makes you more vulnerable to a number of hygiene-related problems that might make it difficult for you to have cordial interactions with the people around you. Here are two reasons why you can't afford not to have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide around the house somewhere.
Do Whitening Chewing Gums Really Make Your Teeth Whiter?
Used as part of your dental hygiene routine, chewing sugar-free gum can help keep your teeth and gums healthier. Some gums also claim to have properties that may whiten your teeth as well as keep them healthy. How can a gum make your teeth look whiter and how much of a difference might a whitening gum make? Chewing Gum Gives You More Saliva When you chew any sugar-free gum, your mouth gets wetter.
The Road to Recovery: Aftercare Following Dental Implant Surgery
Dental surgery can place a great strain on your oral health. To ensure that your dental implant surgery is a success, it is vital you follow the correct aftercare procedures. Below are some tips to make sure you recover quickly and fully after your dental implant surgery. Medication After the surgery, it is likely you will feel moderate discomfort and pain. Your dentist should prescribe pain medication and antibiotics. You should take these as directed to help to combat any pain and discomfort and to ensure that the implant site does not become infected.