Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

  • Enamel Erosion Explained

    The layer of enamel that covers the surface of your teeth may be thin, but it's tough enough to protect the soft pulp layer of your teeth from bacteria and prevent your teeth from being damaged from the friction that occurs when you chew and bite into hard foods. Enamel does not repair itself when it gets damaged, so it's important to protect it whenever you can by taking steps to keep your teeth healthy.

  • If You've Been Clenching Your Teeth, Read This

    Clenching or grinding your teeth, especially in your sleep, is called bruxism. It is actually dangerous for your oral health in the long term. Not only do the pressure and friction lead to pain, but you can actually crack teeth and cause bone loss in your jaws. Most people have clenched their teeth in their sleep or when they were not paying attention at least once in their lives, but for a lot of people, this is a chronic condition.

  • Denture Distress: Can a Hairline Crack Be Repaired?

    You might feel a crack in your dentures before you see it. A hairline crack in an upper or lower denture won't always be obvious, and your first clue might be when you feel the uneven surface rubbing against the soft tissues in your mouth. Can a small hairline crack be repaired, or is it likely that you'll need a new set of dentures?  Repair Clinic The first step is to have your dentures professionally assessed.

  • How To Prepare To Have Multiple Teeth Extracted

    Having one tooth extracted is usually something that doesn't warrant much in the way of preparation for most patients. But when you need to extract multiple teeth, some preparation is necessary. You may be in more pain and need more healing time for multiple extractions. This means you need to be ready both before and after the surgery. If you are preparing to have multiple teeth extracted, then prepare in the following ways.

  • Everything You Need To Learn About Gum Recession

    Human teeth have delicate and sensitive parts underneath the tough white shells that you see. These delicate parts should not be exposed to foreign elements such as food because of the high risk of developing infections and tooth complications. Therefore, you need to learn about gum recession to help you understand the impact that this condition can have on your tooth. Essentially, gum recession refers to your gums pulling away from the teeth, exposing the delicate sections of the teeth.

2024© Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog
About Me
Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

You may have heard that cavities and oral decay are linked to things like heart disease, and, in fact, your oral health affects your entire body. Hi! My name is Brenda, and I like to look at things holistically. Because of that, I created this blog. I plan for its posts to look at the link between dental issues and other health issues. I hope that the people who visit this blog learn a few tips about oral care as well as gaining a deeper understanding of why it's so important. Healthy smiles indicate a healthy body, and I hope this blog helps you achieve both!