Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

Separating Truth From Fiction About Your Diet After Teeth Whitening

Duane Kelly

For a long time, some people believed the peddled folklore about teeth whitening causing damage to teeth. It is a fact that teeth whitening is very safe, and it is important to have an understanding of this fact, alongside an appreciation of all the benefits that come with the procedure have made teeth whitening popular.

However, some people continue to spread some untruths and myths. One such myth is that you will have to give up on certain foods and drinks after teeth whitening. What's the truth and what is fiction? Here is what you should know.

1.      Food and Drink Restrictions Are Short-term

As your dentist will certainly advise you, it is best to stick to a white diet right after your teeth whitening procedure for at least 48 hours. Coffee, tea, red wine, dark condiments, chocolate, and fizzy drinks are some of the things you will need to avoid during this window.

Why? After the procedure, your teeth are more porous and, as such, more susceptible to staining. You wouldn't want stains setting in so early. After the 48 hours, there is no reason why you cannot go ahead and indulge yourself.

2.      Post-Procedure Sensitivity Is Also Short-term

That sharp pain you may have experienced when downing your glass of cold milk will go away after a while. And no, you do not have to give up drinking cold milk. Rest assured that it will go away soon enough.

Post-procedure tooth sensitivity is fairly common after teeth whitening. Some people experience it, while others do not. No reason to panic if you do since, apart from just waiting it out, there is quite a bit that you can do to relieve the sting. This includes using toothpaste or gel prescribed for tooth sensitivity.

3.      Oral Hygiene Is Still Everything

As earlier mentioned, you are free to eat and drink what you will after the lapse of the 48-hour window. After teeth whitening, your teeth may still stain when you take certain foods such as, say, red wine and coffee.

Fortunately, you can keep this extrinsic discolouration at bay with proper oral hygiene practices. Use mouth rinses and brush your teeth after every meal. You should also not neglect to supplement these at-home practices with professional cleanings at your dentist.

The restrictions on what you can take, as well as any tooth sensitivity you may experience, will only last for a while. You will also need to practice better oral hygiene. These are the facts on teeth whitening and diet. Do not allow yourself to believe otherwise.


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Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

You may have heard that cavities and oral decay are linked to things like heart disease, and, in fact, your oral health affects your entire body. Hi! My name is Brenda, and I like to look at things holistically. Because of that, I created this blog. I plan for its posts to look at the link between dental issues and other health issues. I hope that the people who visit this blog learn a few tips about oral care as well as gaining a deeper understanding of why it's so important. Healthy smiles indicate a healthy body, and I hope this blog helps you achieve both!