Duane Kelly
While fruit is full of vitamins and fibre, many people worry that it could be bad for teeth because it contains a lot of sugar. The following tips provide the facts about fruit and oral health so you can enjoy fruit in a tooth-friendly way.
1. Eat Fresh Fruit
Whole, fresh fruit is the healthiest type of fruit for your teeth. Studies show that people who eat a lot of fresh fruit are less likely to develop cavities than people who avoid fruit. Fresh fruit also contains fibre, which provides a workout for your jaw as well as promoting digestive health.
2. Limit Fruit Juice
The process of juicing removes fibre and concentrates the sugar in fruit, producing a beverage that can contribute to dental decay. In addition to very high levels of sugar, fruit juice is typically also very acidic, which means it can damage dental enamel. Try to only have fruit juice with meals to reduce its impact on your teeth. You can also dilute juice with a splash of water to lower the concentration of sugar and acid.
3. Limit Dried Fruit
Like fresh fruit, dried fruit contains important nutrients, but it also has a very high concentration of sugar because the liquid has been removed. Dried fruit has a high probability of getting stuck in or between your teeth. This gives oral bacteria a chance to feed on the sugars in the fruit and multiply. Where possible, snack on fresh fruit instead of dried fruits. If you do decide to indulge in dried raisins or cranberries, choose a brand that does not have extra sugar added.
4. Wait Before Brushing
Unfortunately, cleaning your teeth right after you indulge in dried fruit or juice does not neutralise the damage. Brushing too soon could even increase the risk of tooth decay. This is because the acid in fruit softens tooth enamel, increasing your teeth's vulnerability to attack by oral bacteria. Dentists recommend waiting roughly 30 minutes after drinking or eating something acidic before you brush your teeth.
5. Eat a Balanced Diet
Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet, but eating only fruit is not good for your oral health. Steer clear of extreme "fruitarian" diets and instead eat a balanced diet that includes foods from several food groups, including vegetables, grains, protein, and unsaturated fats. A balanced diet will help to ensure that you get all the minerals and nutrients you need for healthy teeth.
You may have heard that cavities and oral decay are linked to things like heart disease, and, in fact, your oral health affects your entire body. Hi! My name is Brenda, and I like to look at things holistically. Because of that, I created this blog. I plan for its posts to look at the link between dental issues and other health issues. I hope that the people who visit this blog learn a few tips about oral care as well as gaining a deeper understanding of why it's so important. Healthy smiles indicate a healthy body, and I hope this blog helps you achieve both!