Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

Helping Your Child Overcome Dental Phobia

Duane Kelly

Dental anxiety in kids can result in poor oral health. As a parent, this is the last thing you want for your child. The good thing is that there's a host of things you can do to help your child overcome dental phobia.

Keep it simple

Avoid too many details during your visit to the dentist. Numerous details raises more questions and cause unnecessary anxiety. Maintain a positive attitude when talking about an upcoming visit. However, avoid giving him or her false hopes.

Avoid certain words

Refrain from using words such as 'P' (pain) words, 'H' (hurt) or S' (shot) with your child. Allow the dentist and staff to utilise their own vocabulary to help your kid overcome difficult situations. On your part, you can tell the young one that the dentist is getting rid of 'sugar bags' from their teeth. Utilise positive phrases such as 'healthy, strong, and clean teeth.' Doing so makes the visit seem good and fun instead of alarming and scary.

Consider relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques slow down your child's physical reaction to fear or anxiety of the dentist. A simple deep-breathing exercise involving slow exhalations and deep inhalations in a paced manner can provide relief to the little one. Progressive muscle relaxation might also be helpful. It entails tensing and relaxing a set of muscles in sequence with eyes closed.

Play pretend

Before the maiden appointment, play pretend with him or her. You can play the doctor while your child plays the patient. A toothbrush might be handy in such a scenario. Avoid lining up 'instruments' or making drilling noises. Hold up a tiny mirror and try showing him or her how a dentist checks teeth. It even works better by switching roles. Allow your little one to play dentist. Give him the toothbrush to clean a doll's or stuffed animal's teeth. Getting your child familiar with a visit to the dentist makes him comfortable. It goes miles in boosting his or her confidence.

Conscious sedation works if nothing else seems to

If nothing seems to be working, laughing gas is a harmless option. The effective and safe sedative helps calm your child during any dental procedure. It's administered as a measured anti-anxiety medication. While sedated, your child responds to both physical and verbal stimuli.

Bad dental experiences in the past can make children fear dentists. Ensure that every dental appointment is comfortable and stress-free by doing the above.


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Oral Health Link to Whole Body Health: A Blog

You may have heard that cavities and oral decay are linked to things like heart disease, and, in fact, your oral health affects your entire body. Hi! My name is Brenda, and I like to look at things holistically. Because of that, I created this blog. I plan for its posts to look at the link between dental issues and other health issues. I hope that the people who visit this blog learn a few tips about oral care as well as gaining a deeper understanding of why it's so important. Healthy smiles indicate a healthy body, and I hope this blog helps you achieve both!